A.R.T. Confidential, an inside look at a hidden world: Tammy scares the boys

The first day of the technique nicknamed ‘Wheelism’, the artists used the weight and movement of their electric wheelchairs as drawing tools.
A canvas taped to the studio floor, slathered with one layer of color then a different layer of color, covered with clear plastic to protect the wheels.
Their first session the young men of the studio class had been tentative. Carefully engaging the concept and resulting effects.
Not so Tammy.
Having watched her classmates sessions, when it was her turn she called in her imperious voice. “I want red. Like fire. Like blood!”
Her canvas loaded thick with acrylic, layer of plastic secured atop it, Tammy jolted forward onto the center of the painting.
Cranking the tiny joy-stick on her lap tray her wheelchair began to revolve in place.
Faster, faster round she went.
Faster and faster she spun so fast the young men’s eyes wide, one of them called for caution, “Easy Tammy, easy.”
Whipping round and round and round and round, faster and ever faster Tammy’s head fell back so she faced straight up, ceiling tiles pinwheeling, she shouted, “Take me away!”